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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 48   View pdf image (33K)
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48 Assembly Proceedings, March 26- April 15, 1707.


will after the Duty of the morning Service is over Sitt in Coun-
cill the rest of the day.
Mr Leach and Mr Phillips bring up the Journall of the
Comittee of Accounts which was ordered to lye on the Table
for Inspection and Consideration.
Mr Macklaster brings from the house as follows, Viz.

By the House of Delegates April 10th 1707

In answr to the Message what shall be good Evidence to
prove fforeign and other Debts. This house are of Opinion
that that Branch of the said Act mentioned in the Message :
Vizt goods Sold work done money Lent &c is well Enough
and has no need of Amendment And as to that relating to
the Clergye Wee believe that that Matter is well Enough
Settled and Secured allready by the Law, and therefore wee
are unwilling to make any alteration therein, And as to the
Quakers, Wee take them to be Comprehended within the
Law of the millitia allready, and there is no reason to make
a Provision for them distinct from the rest of her Majestys

p. 80

Subjects in this Province as to the Militia Affairs And as to
all other Matters Relating to the Militia, We are of Opinion
that the Law is well Enough as it is and needs no manner of
Alteration. Signed p order W Taylard Cl ho D

The following Reply to a former Message from the house
was Sent them by Coll Hamond Col Jenkins Col Lloyd and
Col Ennalls vizt

By his Exncy the Govr & Councill in Assembly Apll 10th 1707

In answr to Your Message that You Cannot Agree to the
Report from the Conference held for the Security of the Pub-
liq Armes & Amunition at Annapolis, Wee Acquaint you that
Wee are of Opinion the Publiq Armes and Amunition Especi-
ally at this time ought to be well Preserved & Secured, And
therefore his Exncy is Pleased to declare that this being a Con-
cerne of the greatest moment and whereon Depends the
Defence and Security of the Province, He must (tho very
desirous to avoid all Occasions of Exposeing the Country to
any Charge) take care and give Proper directions for the
Security of the Magazine & well hoped the house would have
Advised and Assisted him therein Since by their desire and
approbation he had taken Care to have so good and Servicea-
ble a Quantity both of Armes and Amunition bought & Im-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 48   View pdf image (33K)
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