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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 45   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 45-

Mr Jones from the house with a bill to Continue the Sheriffs
of Talbott Kent and Cecill Countys Power of Executing for
their Fees which was read the first and second times.
A Letter from Coll Evans Governour of Pensilvania to his
Exncy the Governr of this Province with the Copy of a Petition
to the Said Coll Evans from Divers Inhabitants at the head of
the Bay Claiming Lands there under Grants from Mr Wm Penn
there Setting forth that they are Sued in this Province for the
Same Lands.
Mr James Logan Secretary & Agent for Mr Penn his Letter
to Mr Charles Carroll and said Mr Carrolls ansr to said Logan
as also Mr Carrolls Letter to his Excellency relating to that
matter read and resolved they be Communicated to the house
of Delegates to whome it is recomended for the better secur-
ity and Quiett of this Province that they will Address her
Majesty to Direct the Lord Baltemore and Mr Wm Penn to


Adjust the bounds of their Pretentious and sent to the house
by Coll Ennalls who carryed up the Bill continuing the Sherriffs
of Talbott Kent and Cecil Countys power to Execute for their
Publiq Fees.
The Council Adjourned for two hours

Post Meridiem
The Councill Sate Present as before

Mr Hall brought up the Engrossed Bill giving Power to the
Farmers of his Lordships the Lord Proprietors Rents to Re-
cover their Dues after the Expiration of their Lease.
Which was Read and Assented to by the house
His Exncy and the Boarde understanding that Mr Joseph
Hill who was taken this morning upon the Warrant Issued
last night had Procured a habeas Corpus. And was allready
lett to bayle before this Board had Examined him. Ordered
that the following Message be Sent to the house of Delegates
by Mr Tench Coll Holland Coll Lloyd & Coll Hafnond viz.

By his Exncy the Governour and Councill in Assembly
Aprill 10th 1707.

Whereas Joseph Hill Gentn one of the members of Your
house was by Virtue of a Warrant from this Boarde taken this
morning as Charged with high Crimes and misdemeanours
for Corresponding with and Aiding Richard Clarke who stands
Outlawed by Act of Assembly of this Province which Crime
at least must amount to Misprision of Treason Wee do ac-
quaint You that this Boarde do think he ought to be Exam-

p. 75

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 45   View pdf image (33K)
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