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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 44   View pdf image (33K)
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44 Assembly Proceedings, March 26- April 15, 1707.


A Bill for killing Wolves and Crowes read the first and
Second times and will pass with the Amendments.

p. 73

A Bill deciding Difference between Coll Holland and Capt
Smith about bounds of Lands read & the Board not having
the least Satisfaction of the Bill will not Agree thereto.
Sent to the house by Mr Cheseldyn
The Engrost Bills brought up last night by Mr Muschamp
and Mr En nails were read & assented to by the Councill and
sent to the house by Coll Holland.

Mr Hall brought up three Engrossed Bills Viz.

A Bill Explaining Some Doubtfull Expressions in the Bill
for Limitation of Officers Fees.
A Bill for Recording Several Copys of Wills &c in the
Cofnissarys Office And
A Bill for Naturalization of John Francis Holland which
were Read and Assented to by the Councill and Sent to the
house by Mr Sanders.
The Petition of Samuel Norwood on behalf of John Acton
an Orphan read and Recomended to the house to Releive the
Orphan According to Right and Justice.
Ordered the following Message be Sent to the house.

By his Exncy the Governr & Councill in Assembly
Aprill 10th 1707

The Clarke of the Councill through whose hands most of
the Publiq Business of the Country Passes has allways been
Supplyed with Paper Penns Incke Wafers and Wax at the
Publiq Charge
The Present Clarke of the Councill Affirms he has Offi-
ciated therein Nine Years and never had but one Allowance of
Six pounds which was in May 1704 at which time he was
allowed for an Assistant Clarke that Assembly but never
since considered on that Score Therefore wee Recomend to
the house that they will Direct the Cofnittee of Accounts to
make him a reasonable Allowance.

p. 74

And whereas You thought fitt to make an Allowance to the
Clerke of Your house over and above his Sallary for that there
were Severll Sessions of Assembly Anno 1704 Wee wish You
not to forgett ours whose trouble and Service was Equall nay
more in that he finished his Number of Journalls of the Long
Sessions Compleat when Your Clarke Provided but one Jour-
nall. Sent by Mr Cheseldyn
Signed p ordr W Bladen Cl Conl

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 44   View pdf image (33K)
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