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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 43   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 43

I am Humbly of Opinion that the said Hill having Cor-
responded with and Assisted Richard Clark who stands out-
lawed for Treason and not having Discovered where he was
(which he must needs have been Acquainted with otherwise
could never have Settled the Correspondence or Presumed to
send the Shallop to him) he is guilty of an high misprision
and the sd Clarks offence being Treason his must Conse-
quently be Misprision of Treason at the Least for which he
ought to be Arrested and put to Tryal by his Country and
this Arrest may be made in this Case even during the sitting
of the Assembly and that by Virtue of a Warrant from his
Exncy her Majestys Govr and her Majestys honble Councill
from the Boarde
Which is humbly Submitted to the Approbation of his
Exncy the Governr & Councill by their
ffaithfull and ready
humble Servt
W Bladen Attny Genll

The Councill Adjourned till nine of the Clock to morrow


Thursday Aprill the 10th 1707
The Council Sate Present as Yesterday

The Supplementary Bill to the Act for Townes & Ports read
the first Time and second times and agreed to
And A Bill Impowering the farmers of the Lord Baltimores
Rents to Recover them after the Expiration of their Lease.
Read the first & second times and agreed to which were
Sent to the house of Delegates by Coll Lloyd & Col Wm Hol-
A Bill for relief of Debtors and Ascertaining the manner
of Tenders in Tobacco Read the first and second times and
Past and Sent to the house by Coll Ennalls.
A Bill repealing the Act Prohibiting the Exportation of
European Comoditys Read the first and second times and
Sent to the house by Mr Sanders.
A Bill stiled An Additionall Act for relief of poor Debtors
& Encouragemt of Tillage read & ordered to be Endorsed
that this Board Considering the Present ill Circumstances
many ill Planters are reduced to Since this last Warr thinke
there cannot be to much Incouragement given for Tillage and
Relief of Poor Debtors which the Title of this Bill Seems to
offer at but the Body Abridges.
Therefore cannot agree to the Bill

p. 72

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 43   View pdf image (33K)
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