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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 37   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 37

up the River Saying You complaine Your Shallop is Leakey
let that be Your Excuse if any come Board but who You are
acquainted with Mr Hill sayed he. wished he had the tilings on
board the Shallop under Sayle with a fair wind he would give
twenty pounds, told him when discoursed of Clearing there
was no need of it. Was at Mrs Clarks house and helped downe
with a Cart Load of Goods Saw Several Persons assisting there
was two Carts discribes one short man ruddy Complexioned
waddled and had a Cane in his hand at the house there was an
old gray headed man and a little boy mannaged one of the Carts
they tooke in the goods on Thursday and Fryday last. Richard
Clarke gave the Declarant a paper open Saw Clarke write it
and Clarke Said it was Instructions for him wholly to apply
himself to Mr Hill.

April the 8th 1707 John Spry
Sworn to before his Exncy
the Govr in a full Councill W Bladen Cl Condi.

p. 61

Aprill 9th 1707.

Mr Thomas Ricketts being brought by the Sherriff of Ann
Arundell County before his Exncy the Governour and Councill
Declared Mrs Elizabeth Clarke told him Mr Hill had sent a
Sloope for her which was Consigned to him Says he thinks and
verily believes he has seen Richd Clarke twice the last winter
near his late dwelling Plantation at the head of South River.
Says Some time the last winter he Saw Silvester Welch Sit-
ting with Mrs Clark at Clarks House and Suspects Richard
Clarke might be then in the Same house the Doors were Shut
when he came to the house
Sworne in Councill
W Bladen Cl Concil

The Boarde Adjourned till to morrow morning eight a Clock.

Tuesday Aprill 8th 1707.

The Councill Sate Present as Yesterday.
The Supplementary Bill to the Act for Townes read the first
time and ordered to lye on the Table
The Petition of Mr Richd Bennett and Mr James Heath
Farmers of the Lord Proprietarys Land Rents of this Province
read praying leave to bring in a Bill to Impower them after
the Expiration of their lease to distreyne for the rents which
are Properly due to them and which through their Compassion

p. 62

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 37   View pdf image (33K)
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