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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 36   View pdf image (33K)
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36 Assembly Proceedings, March 26- April 15, 1707.


Mr Hill Bad them be sure to make hast to gett the things
on board for he should Long to hear they were gone.
Thos Brereton
Aprill 8th 1707
Sworne to before his Excny the W Bladen Cl Concil.
Governour & Councill

Munday Aprill 7th 1707

John Spry brought before the Board Declared that about
the first of March last he was at Mr Saml Smithson Potomeck
Point where he came in Company with one Mr Garrett who
Discoursed him about Comeing to South River to fetch said
Garretts Wife the Declarant told him he would if he could gett
a Sloope
Clarke had in his Company Thomas Wintersell and a School-
master & two Negroes. After that the Declarant went over the
bay Brereton was at Samll Smiths when the Discourse was and
understands that he wentdowne to Elzabeth Towne in Virginia
with Clarke

p. 60

Some time after the Declarants Return over the Bay the sd
Garrett (who the Declarant now verily believes to be Richard
Clarke of this Province) came to Potomeck Point with a Sloope
Brereton with him and two other men who came Passengers
and went over to Somersett County and then the said Garrett
agreed with the Declarant to goe Skipper of the Shallop to
South River to fetch his wife gave him three Letters one
Directed to Mr Joseph Hill one other to Elizabeth Garrett and
the other to Wintersells wife the Declarant came into South
River the 29th of March sent Thomas Brereton with a Letter
to Mr Hill to whom Garrett Directed him for Advice and to
take his Directions in all things
On Sunday morning said Hill and Brereton Came on Board
the Shallop where the Declarant either gave the other two Let-
ters to the said Mr Hill or Else Brereton Carryed them to him
and Hill and Brereton on horse back went to Mr Clarks or as
Brereton told him went to Capt Welchs sent for Mrs Clarke
and she came to them Brereton saw her & discoursed her and
said she was a Brisk talking woman
On Sunday night Thomas Brereton came on Board and told
him he must goe to Mr Hills whether he went on Monday
Morning March 31st would have had Brereton gone to Enter
the Sloope but Brereton told Mr Hill said he must come him-
self to the Collector the Declarant went with Mr Hill to Mr
Evan Jones's who gave him the Permitt Produced lent the
Declarant money to pay for it 2s 6d then Mr Hill Bad him goe

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 36   View pdf image (33K)
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