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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 38   View pdf image (33K)
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38 Assembly Proceedings, March 26-April 15, 1707.


they have forborne rigorously to Execute, and it is recomended
to the house of Delegates to give Leave for Such Bill to be
brought in but that the Ld Proprietarys Agents be first heard
to the Petition.

p. 63

A Bill for the Attainder of Richard Clarke of Ann Arundell
County read the first time and sent to the house with the follow-
ing Message Viz.

By his Exncy the Governour & Council in Assembly
Aprill 8th 1707.

The Bill herewith Sent to the house for Attainder of Richard
Clarke is thought Reasonable by this Board Since this is the
Second time Your house has ordered the Attorney Genll to
prosecute him and his Accomplices and that it hath been Inef-
fectual and altho' there are now actually four Bills of Indict-
ment found by severall Grand Jurys of this Province against
him Yet divers evil Persons have presumed to Receive Com-
fort and aide him whereby he has been able to avoid Justice
according to his Demeritts Sculking within Tenn miles of this
Place, the Seate of Government and practiceing and carrying
on his Trayterous and wicked designs.
Sent by Mr Tench & Coll Hamond.
Signed p order W Rladpn Cl Concil.

The Councill Adjourned for two hours

Post Meridiem
The Councill Sate Present as before.

Mr Ecclestone Came up with A Bill for Recording several
Copys of Wills &c in the Comissarys office
Read the first and Second times by the house & past by
Special order.
The following Message sent to the house of Delegates by
Coll Holland and Mr Sanders, Viz.

p. 64

By his Excell the Governour & Council in Assembly
April the 8th 1707.

Upon perusall and Consideration of the last Clause or Par-
agraph Providing what shall be good Evidence to Prove ffor-
eign Debts which Enacts that an Account of Goods Sold
Worke done money Lent and such other Articles as Lye
Properly in Account and Sworn to by the Plaintiff in an
Action brought or by the Defendant in his Defence in Dis-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 38   View pdf image (33K)
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