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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 35   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 35

& runn away on privateering Clarke gott drunk with the
Letter of Marq men & fought with two or tree of them. The
Privateer Brabatch was Imployed to gett of a Vessell that
was Drove on Shore by a Tempest.
Clarke Directed Wells and Harrison to one Capt Smith in
News River till he could come to them. Hired this Shallop of
Peter Cartwright and left his two Negros three Guners two
Truncks and his Cloaths in Pawn untill her returne Perswaded
the Declarant to come up with him againe to Wiccocomico to his
unckle Saml Smiths & tooke on board Thomas Wintersell
and one James Cale a Young Freeman and Came up to Potow-
mack Point where Cale went over the bay with the Declarants
Brother Willm Brereton. Clarke and Winters went to carry
Mr Plumers Boat Back. Clarke sent for John Spry and Hired
him as the Skipper of the Sloop to Come up to South River
in Maryland with the Declarant at the rate of three pounds
tenn shillings p month and the Declarant Eighteen Pence p
Diem and gave Instructions in an open Paper in Writing
Directed them to Mr Hill to whom he also gave them a Letter
and at Parting said good Friends whatever you doe apply


yourselves to Mr Hill without any further Inquiris, said Clarke
told them they were to bring downe his Wife and Children
and Wintersells wife to whome Wintersell sent a Letter and
according to Orders they came to South River on Saturday
the 29th of March the Declarant went on Shore to Pains Plan-
tation. Who shewed him the way to Mr Hills where he lay
that night and the next morning gave the said Hill Clarks
Letter. Mr Hill ordered two horses to be gott and with the
Declarant went on Board the Sloope and discoursed the
Skipper Spry. After which the said Declarant and Hill went
to Capt Welches Where was Richard Clarks and Wintersells
Wives and there Mr Hill discoursed with them. And after he
& Mr Hill came to Paines Plantation and the Declarant went
on board of Sloope and according to Mr Hills Order Directed
John Spry the Skipper to come to his house. Heard Mr Hill
say when he was on board the Sloop I wish you were going
now, here is a brave wind. He would give twenty pounds
they were under Sayl with the things all on Board.
Hill bad them goe up the River and Trim their Sloop while
the things were bringing downe accordingly they went up the
River and into Beards Creek

p. 58

Mr Hill told him severall People were daily goeing and that
three Young Blades were lately gone towards Virginia or Caro-
lina Thomas Brereton the Declarant says that he saw Richard
Clarke write an open Paper on Directions to them to Enquire
for Mr Hill and take his Advise in all things before they
Enquired after any body Elce.

p. 59

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 35   View pdf image (33K)
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