And be it further Enacted by the Authority advice and Con-
sent aforesaid that if any person shall be sued or prosecuted
for any matter or thing done by Vertue of this Act or in
obedience thereunto such person may and is hereby authorized
and impowred to plead the Generall Issue and to give this
Act and the Speciall matter in Evidence and if the plaintiff be
non suite discontinue his action or Verdict pass against him
the defendant shall recover treble Costs of Suite.
And be it further Enacted by the authority advice and Con-
sent aforesaid that if any person whatsoever who shall be dis-
charged out of prison or receive any beniffitt by this Act shall
wittingly and willingly Comitt any wilfull and Corrupt per-
jury or wittingly or willingly forswear themselves such person
being Legally Convicted thereof by Confession or Verdict of
twelve men shall be Guilty of ffelony and suffer death as a
felon Provided alwais that nothing in this Act shall Extend or
be Construed to Extend to discharge any person out of prison
who is not actually a prisoner or in Custody for the Sume of
five pounds sterling or one thousand pounds of Tobacco.
And provided also and it is hereby declared that the said
Justices or any three of them as aforesaid that shall sell and
dispose of any debtors Estate shall have full power Liberty
and authority to allow unto such Debtor out of his Estate as
aforesaid before any division made, his bed and ffurniture a
pott pann and other necessary working tooles and necessarys
not Exceeding five pounds Sterling to any debtor.