to such Debtors or prisoners without any fee or reward save
only a small ffee by the said Justices to be appointed to be paid
to the Clerke of the County Court for Entring the Courts
proceedings therein.
And be it further Enacted by the authority advice and Con-
sent aforesaid that all and Every Sale or Sales that shall be
made by the said Justices or any three of them of such Debtors
Estate as aforesaid shall be good and Valid in Law and barr
the debtor and his wife if any of her dower and their heires
and all others Claiming under them to all Intents Construc-
tions and purposes whatsoever. • And be it further Enacted
that no prisoner shall be discharged out of Prison untill he
shall declare upon oath before the said Justices or any three
of them as aforesaid what Debts are owing to him to the best
of his remembrance a Schedule whereof shall be made or kept
by the said Justices or Clarke of the County Court and the
Creditors or such of them as will Joyne shall be and are hereby
impowred to sue for the same in the prisoners name Saving
him harmless from all Costs and damages and after Recovery
of all or any of such debts they shall be by the said Justices
applyed towards Satisfaction of such Creditors who sued or
was at the Charge of Recovering the same rendring the
overplus if any To such Debtor.