And be it further Enacted and declared that all Sales made
after the end of this Session of Assembly by any debtor of any
of his Estate Either Reall or personall to any person whatso-
ever dureing the time of his Imprisonment shall be null and Void
to all Intents and purposes whatsoever. This Act to Continue
for three yeares and untill the end of the next Session of As-
sembly which shall happen after the end of the said three yeares.
By the house of Delegates 16th December 1708.
Read and assented to by the house of Delegates.
Signed p order Richd Dallam Cl house Del.
December the 16th 1708.
Then was this bill read and assented to by her Majtys honble
Councill & Signed p order
W Bladen Cl Council.
December 17th 1708.
On behalfe of our Sovereigne Lady Ann Queen of Great
Brittain &ci I will this be a law.
Jo: Seymour