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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 29   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 29

Court house where they will be farr more Secure from fire &
Preserved from the Dampness of the aire which occasions them
to Rust: and that a Select Number of Armes belonging to Ann
Arundell County be hung up in the Court house & fixed by
Iron Barrs and padlocks that they may not be handled or


taken downe unless by those who have Authority so to do.
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl Concil

The Gentn Sent with this Message are directed to Informe
the House if they have any Objections to the Proposall they
will Endeavour to give them Satisfaction thereto.
The Boarde Adjourned to nine of the Clock to morrow

Saturday April 5th 1707

The Councill Sate Present as Yesterday
His Exncy Sent Mr Tench and Six more of the Councill
with his Answer to the houses Address Presented yesterday

I Take Your Address very kindly and am & shall be
allways glad that I have or may do the Province any Service
in Generall or Yourselves in perticular being Gentn.
Your Friend & Servt
Aprill 5th 1707. Jo: Seymour

p. 46

Upon the application of Seaven Chaptico Indians on the
behalf of Nannsonan their Queen
Ordered that the goods which were found to have been
Stolen out of the said Queens Daughters Tomb and now in the
Custody of John Rose late Constable of Chaptico hundred be
delivered to the Said Queen or such she shall Direct to receive
the Same.
And likewise Ordered that the said Indians apply to the hon-
ble Kenelm Cheseldyne Esqr who will see Justice done them.

The following Bills Viz:

A Bill for Preventing the Exportation of Tobo
before the
Du tys be paid.
A Bill Suspending dureing the Queens Pleasure the Prose-
cution of the Priests of the Romish Comunion Incuring
Certain Penaltys by their Exerciseing their Function in a Priv-
ate family of the Romish Comunion

p. 47

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 29   View pdf image (33K)
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