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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 30   View pdf image (33K)
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30 Assembly Proceedings, March 26-April 15, 1707.


A bill to Prevent the Abuse of breaking open and concealing
Publiq & Private Letters.
A bill for the removall of Thomas Howell & A bill for Con-
firming Thos Knightons Will having been all of them read at
the Boarde the first and Second times were agreed to by the
Councill and sent to the house of Delegates by- Colonel Ennalls
& Mr Coursey.

p. 48

Mr Goldsborough Came up from the house of Delegates
and acquainted the Councill that their Clerk had Endorsed
the Bill for Suspending the Prosecution of Romish Priests &ca.
Read the first time & past with Especial order (when really
it was not so) but past on the Second Reading.
Ordered that Comissions be prepared for Solomon Right
and Thomas Marsh to be Coronrs in Queen Anns County — Mr
Josie Toogood to be a Coroner in Queen Anns County and Mr
Levin Hicks to be a Coroner in Dorchester County.
Mr Frisby and five others bring up from the house of Dele-
gates the following Message Viz.

By the House of Delegates
Apll the 5th 1707.

In answer to the Message wherein It is Proposed that a
Roome in the Court house be ordered for the Reception of the
Publick Armes this house do approve thereof and that the
Roome appointed for the petit Jurys be sett apart for that Pur-
But as to the Armes applyed to the Perticular Use of Ann
Arundell County being laid up in the Court House, the house
thinke that will not be Convenient; but that the Said Armes
may be put into the Roome where the Publiq Armes are
appointed to be kept if his Exncy approve thereof. And as to the
Security of the Amunition this house do pray a Conference

p. 49

with her Majestys Councill in order to Settle that matter.
Signed p Order W Taylard Cl h D

Upon Reading the Petition of Thomas Manning a Prisoner
in Calvert County praying that upon a full & fair Discovery &
delivery up of all his whole Estate to his Creditors he may be
Enlarged as is now Practised in the Case of Banckrupts.
The Board reflecting on the many Notices in the Gazetts &
Post men of Certificates dayly signed and ordered to be Signed
according to a late Act of Parliament of England in favour of
Banckrupts doe believe there is such an Act of Parliament
made Since her Matys accession to the Throne, tho not seen
here, no Acts of Parliament before the third Year of her

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 30   View pdf image (33K)
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