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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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28 Assembly Proceedings, March 26-April 15, 1707.


Publiq Armes & Amunition to the severall Countys in Pro-
portionable parts.
The following Answer was sent by Coll Hamond Coll Jen-
kins Coll Lloyd & Coll Ennals.

p. 44

By the Govr & Councill in Assembly
Aprill 4th 1707

The houses message Advising Proportionable Parts of the
Public Armes & Amunition to he sent to the Several Countys
and Comitted to the Care of the Chief Off" of the Militia in
the sd Countys has been Read, and in Reply thereto Wee
Acquaint you that the Publiq Arms and Amunition are
Purchased out of the Quarter part of her Majestys Rev-
enue of the 12d p hhd granted by her Majesty for the
Defence of this Province, and that altho it be sometimes
necessary for the Imediate Safety & Defence thereof that
Some Small Quantity of Armes and Amunition may be
lodged in Severall Countys to be made Use of by Such who
are not able to Procure Armes at their owne Cost (as required
by the Act of Assembly) for regulating the Militia at the
Cheif Officers discretion upon a suddein Invasion or Incursion
Yett in reguarde a strict Account of the said Armes and
Amunition Purchased with the 3d p is Expected to be given
by the Government here to her Majesty when required and
that the Government here is ansrable therefore, and that It
has been found by Experience the small Quantity of Armes
and Amunition heretofore lodged in the severall Countys have
been misused Spoiled and Lost so that the greatest Part

p. 45

thereof are unfixed & Consumed or rendred altogether useless.
Wee cannot Advise his Exncy to send to the Severall
Countys any more than what may be thought necessaryly
Requisite for a Competent Supplymt But that Pursuant to her
Matys Royall Instructions a place of Arms or Publick Magazine
of Armes and Amunition be kept at the Towne and Port of
Annapolis where the Armes & Amunition may be well Pre-
served and on all Occasions be distributed and applyed as his
Exncy shall think fitt: And this being the Seate of Government
where her Majestys Governour Resides and the Courts of
Justice are kept & Records Lodged, It will be highly necessary
the house would consult Some measures for the Safety of the
said Magazine here at this Towne & Port & in order thereto
Since wee cannot think the publiq Armes well Secured in the
Place where at Present Lodged.
Therefore it is Proposed if the house are willing the said
Armes may be lodged in Some of the Spare Roomes of the

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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