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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 281   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 281

By the Council in Assembly 3d December 1708.

The Report from the Conference being read at the Board
we join with the House that her Majesty be addressed as pro-
posed and that till her Pleasure be known an Ordinance of
Assembly be made to ascertain the Gauge of Tobacco Casks,
impose the Fines on the Coopers and Masters of Ships and per-
mit the Masters to put unsizeable Hogsheads on Shore but
cannot agree to an Act of Assembly being contrary to her
Majesty's positive Orders. And as to the Bill against Di-
vulgers of false News we shall not further insist thereon at
present and think it reasonable you should give your Answer
to Sr Thomas Lawrence's Complaint and address her Majesty
therein. But seeing her Majesty has laid her Commands
on his Excellency to propose a Law to you for settling those
Fines on the Secretary we cannot consent to any Law whereby
they be otherwise applyed till her Majesty is pleased to give
Leave therefor Signed p Order W Bladen Cl. Co.

L. H. J.

Mr Matthew Mason's Petition to confirm a Lease made to
him by Robert Smith Esqr read and Leave given to bring in
a Bill next Session of Assembly as prayed.
Major General Lloyd, Colo
William Coursey, Samuel Young
and Thomas Greenfield Esqrs Members of her Majesty's Honble
Council enter the House and deliver Mr Speaker the Scheme
or Estimate of the Charge of the late Provincial Court and
Itinerant Justices as follow.

By his Excellency the Governor and Council in Assembly
3d December 1708

Gentlemen, Pursuant to your Request his Excellency has
ordered a Calculation to be made of the Charge of the late
Provincial Court which is a followeth Vizt

p. 171

To 13 Provincial Justices at 140lbTobo
p Diem

lb Tobo

24 Court Days being two Courts in a Year,


To six Boats for the Eastern Shore Justices

2 Courts


To the Itinerant Charges of 13 Justices 6 Days

each Court going and coming Viz. 124 at 80

p Diem


Two Grand Juries.



And inasmuch as the new Method of holding the Provincial
Courts and the Judges going the Circuits is known to be of


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 281   View pdf image (33K)
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