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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 280   View pdf image (33K)
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280 Assembly Proceedings, Nov.29-Dec. 15, 1708.

L. H. J.

for that the Tobacco in Virginia being thick and waxy they
can pack three or four hundred Pounds of Tobacco in Cask of
their Size more than we can in Cask of our Size our Tobacco
being thin and chaffy and that till her Majesty's Pleasure be
known therein our Gauge be forty Eight Inches the Length of
the [stave] and Diameter of the Heading be thirty Inches not
exceeding thirty two Inches and that a Forfeiture of five hundred
Pounds of Tobacco for each Cask exceeding the Gauge be im-
posed upon every Person or Cooper make a setting up any
other Cask. And that if any Master Mate or Person belong-
ing to any Ship or Vessell shall crop, squeeze or deface any
Tobacco shipped on Freight the Master forfeit and pay five
hundred Pounds of Tobacco so cropt squeezed or defaced and
in Case any Hogshead exceeding the said Gauge shall happen
to be taken on Board by any Master undiscovered at the
Time of taking the same it may be lawful for such Master to
put such Tobacco on Shore there to lie at the Owner's Risque.
Secondly As to that Part of his Excellency's Speech relating

p. 170

to the Divulgers of false News it is the Opinion of the Con-
ferees it's unanimously agreed by the Conferees that the Jus-
tices of the several Counties have Authority to bind such
Persons over to their next Court who have Power to punish
them as Disturbers of the Peace and that they cannot find any
Way to make a Law to restrain such Reports but will expose
innocent Persons to the Malice of Informers
As to that Part of Sir Thomas Lawrence's Complaint touch-
ing Ordinary Licenses It is the Opinion of the Conferees that
Sir Thomas Lawrence has no Right to the Fine on Ordinary
Licenses and that a full Answer be drawn to his Complaint
and sent to her Majesty for her better Information and that it
be therein mentioned that the Fees of the Secretary's Office
is vastly increased of late through the Multitude of Business
therein, and that by Means of the late war the Product of this
Province is become of so little Value that the Ordinary Licenses
Money be continued to her Majesty a Help to defray the
Charge of the several Counties of this Province as by the
former Act of Assembly.
Signed p Order Thomas Jones Cl Comsr

By the House of Delegates December 3d 1708

The above Report being read and considered the House
unanimously concur therewith and hurnbly desire your Excel-
lency will please to consent that the several Bills therein men-
tioned may be brought in and revived

Signed p Order Richd Dallam Cl. Ho. Del.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 280   View pdf image (33K)
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