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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 282   View pdf image (33K)
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282 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 29-Dec. 15, 1708.

L. H. J.

great Ease and Advantage to her Majesty's Subjects in this
Province as well Suitors, Jurors and Evidences it is thought
25.000 tb Tobo
will be an handsome Support for each Judge to
undertake the Service as well as discharge his Expences
therein and his Excellency being willing while he stays to
allow towards it 5000 B Tobacco Annually out of his Fees of
the Great Seal besides the unnecessary Charge to the Sheriffs
for publick Packets of ll 11.500 and the Yearly Rent of an
Arms House which may be saved by their being better se-
cured in one of the Upper Rooms of the Court House 2000
besides the Charge of Ferriages on the Western Shore for
the Justices and their Servants will be more than Sufficient.
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl. Co.

Which being read Ordered it lye on the Clerk's Table, for
the Members Perusual till Monday Morning next
The House adjourned till to Morrow Morning ten O'Clock

Saturday 4th December 1708

The House met according to Adjournment Being called
over were present as yesterday
Then was read what was done yesterday.
Moved that Colo
Walter Smith, Mr Philip Lee, and M
Richard Colegate have Leave to go Home till Monday which
was granted

p. 172

The Honble Colo
Greenfield and Philip Lynes Esqr enter
the House and deliver Mr Speaker the following Petition.
The Petition of Alexander Frazer and Sarah his Wife on
Behalf of Christian Sterling a Minor Daughter of Thomas
Sterling late of Calvert County deceased praying Leave to
bring in a Bill to sell certain Lands the Estate of the said
Christian for the Redemption of a Mortgage for the Benefit
of the said Orphan

Indorsed, By his Excellency the Governor and Council in
Assembly Dec. 3d 1708.

The within Petition read and recommended to the House of
Delegates to permit a Bill be brought in and that good honest
Men be impowered to sell the Land and discharge the
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl. Co.

Which Petition being read in the House was granted and
ordered to be indorsed as follows.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 282   View pdf image (33K)
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