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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 27   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 27

them lest wee deservedly fall under the Censure of Ingratitude
to so good & Generous a benefactor.
Wee are very sencible of the great and Dangerous designes
which have been carrying on by wicked People Enemys to her
Majestys Government to destroy the Records Armes and
Amunition This Towne and all that was necessary to render
this Government Safe & Secure


And wee do in a very Deep Sense thereof returne You our
hearty thanks for Your great care and Prudence You have
shewed in the preservation of all those things and Preventing
the Effect of so Dangerous a Conspiracy, And wee do humbly
Pray that You Excny will he Pleased to give order to the
Attorney Generall to Prosecute all such Persons as now are or
shall be found in the Said Conspiracy
Wee also give Your Excny our hearty thanks for the great
trouble & Care you have been Pleased to put Your Self to in
Procureing the Virginia Law for Settlement of Ports in that
Colony for our Perusall and Consideration whereby wee have
been able to State things (in relation to Townes here) soe as
wee hope not to be out done by that Government
Sr Wee want words to Express our Gratitude to Your Excny
but hope that that benigne Temper with which your allways
treated us will Excuse what may be wanting upon so Solemn
Apll 4th 1707. Signed p order W Taylard Cl h D.

The said Gentn brought up also the following Message Vizt.

p. 42

By the house of Delegates
Aprill 4th 1707

May it Please Your Excellency
This house has Considered that Your Excnys Speech relating
to the Security of the Arms and Amunition lodged in the
Magazine in this Towne, and this house is of opinion that the
Armes and Amunition will be best Preserved and Secured for
the Service of the Country by Sending Proportionable Parts
of it into the Countys & comitting it to the Care of the Chief
Officers, if Your Excny shall be Pleased to approve thereof.
Signed p Order W Taylard Cl h D.

Mr Macall and Mr Watts bring up the Bill for Confirming
Thomas Knightons last Will and Testament which had been
read & past the house Nemine Contradicente. The Board
having debated the houses Message about distributing the

p. 43

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 27   View pdf image (33K)
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