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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 274   View pdf image (33K)
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274 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 29-Dec. 15, 1708.

L. H. J.

Thanks for your good Government and noble Endeavours to
serve this Province as well for her Majesty's Service as for the
Welfare of the same and doubt not your Excellency's Sincerity
therein We assure your Excellency that this House will en- •
deavour the same and if we find any evil minded or malicious
Members amongst us we are and shall be always ready to de-
tect and censure them as being not Persons fitted with Quali-
fications to sit among us.
We are heartily sorry your Excellency should be informed
or apprehend that any Person the last Meeting appeared in
this House to debauch any of her Majesty's well meaning
Subjects or to raise any Animosities or unnecessary Heats; if
any such we are altogether unsensible of them, but if any pri-
vate or particular Person should be tardy in such Matters this
House do assure your Excellency that they will use their utmost
Endeavours to prevent them.
And as to those Paragraphs of your Excellency's Speech re-
lating to the Publick Interest this House unanimously agree
to concur with you in what good Laws are recommended for
the Good and Benefit of her Majesty's Subjects here, and all
other Things by your Excellency recommended we will take
into Consideration and debate and will consent to any Thing
further, that in our Judgment shall be for her Majesty's Hon-
our and Service and for the Good of her Subjects here
Your Excellency's good Government over us we acknowl-
edge discreet as well for her Majesty's Service as the Good
of this Province and having found ourselves easy under the
same do wish your Excellency Health and Happiness and
pray that you may long continue in her Majesty's Favour.
Signed p Order Richd Dallam Cl. Ho. Del.

p. 165

Sent up to his Excellency by Mr Salter, Colo
Smith, Capt.
Jones, Mr Hemsley, Mr Worthington, Mr Dare, Mr Lee, Capt
Crabb, Mr Pearce, Mr Wilkinson, Mr Colegate and Mr Tyler.
They return and say they delivered their Message. Ordered
That Colo
Walter Smith, Mr John Whittington and Mr Robert
Tyler be a Committee of Aggrievances and that they report
the same to the House.
Ordered That Mr James Philips, Mr Joseph Hill, and Mr
John Bradford be Committee to examine, state and settle the
publick Accounts of the Province
Charles Greenberry, Colo
Nicholas Lowe, Capt. John
West, Major Geo. Gale, Mr Robert Skinner and Mr Samuel
Worthington be and are by the House appointed a Committee
of Laws.
The Gentlemen of the Conferrence enter the House and
deliver Mr Speaker the following Report. To his Excellency
the Governor, Honble Council and House of Delegates.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 274   View pdf image (33K)
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