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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 275   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 275

By the Conferrence appointed for enquiring into the Charter
of the City of Annapolis and the Liberties and Privileges
thereby granted held at the House of Major John Freeman
December 2nd 1708. The Conference being met pursuant
to the Message from his Excellency and Council proceed to
examine the Matter contained in the Charter and on Debate
thereof it's humbly conceived as the best Expedient to pre-
vent further Disputes on that Subject for it to be established
and confirmed by an Act of Assembly for that Purpose to be
made allowing the said Citizens & the Liberties and Privi-
leges given and mentioned in the said Charter so far that it
may no wise infringe the Liberties & Privileges of the Public
either in Regard to publick Lands or Buildings by them here-
tofore purchased and to which they are lawfully and rightfully
entituled and desire the same may be reserved and continued
for the same Ends and Purposes they were purchased and
designed and have heretofore been held and enjoyed and not
otherwise and that the Justices and Commissioners of Ann
Arundel County may continue to hold their Courts in the
Stadt House as usual.
It is further reported by the Conferrees that a Clause be
inserted in such Law to be made that the Representatives for
the said City have half the usual Allowance of the Delegates
of each County and no more.
As to that Part of the Charter relating to the Recorder this
Conferrence humbly conceive the Person appointed thereupon
as Recorder is not qualified by Law for that Office in Regard
he is exempt by Law as not having been a Resident here for
three years
It is likewise proposed that the Justices of the County
Courts &ta may enjoy & continue their usual Liberties of exe-
cuting their Office of Justices of Peace within the said City
of Annapolis in as full and ample Manner as heretofore and
that all Bye Laws which shall hereafter be made by the
Mayor Recorder and Aldermen &ta be not any Ways binding
to any other Inhabitants of the Province save only in Relation
to the Citizens of Annapolis.

L. H. J.

As to that Part of the Charter relating to the Toll these
Conferrees think the Toll too unreasonable and excessive for
it is considered that if a thousand Pounds be imported here that
extravagant Toll there mentioned may amount to one hundred
Pounds and it's thought more to the Benefit of the City there
be no Toll mentioned. All which is humbly offered and re-
commended to your Excy and Council and House of Delegates.
Signed p Order Thos Jones Clerk Conl

The above Report being read and considered ordered it be
indorsed as follow

p. 166

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 275   View pdf image (33K)
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