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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 26   View pdf image (33K)
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26 Assembly Proceedings, March 26-April 15, 1707.


Mr Hubbard the Deputy Comissarys hands Read and reco-
mended to the house of Delegates, and sent by Coll Hamond
and Coll Lloyd

p. 40

Mr Wells & Mr Howe bring up the Bill against counter-
feiting of fforeign Coynes
Marked to be read the first and second times and past the
Mr Wells and Mr Howe bring up the bill to Prevent the
Exportation of Tobaccos to Pensilvania untill the Country
dutys here were paid or Secured.
The said Bill was marked to have been twice read and past
the house.
Mr Tyler and Mr Hudson bring up a Bill for the Removall
of Thomas Howell to the Sherriff of Kent County which was
also marked to have been twice read & past the house
His Excny Acquainting the Board he was Informed of a
Sloope lately come Privately in beards Creek in South River
to fetch some Effects belonging to Richd. Clarke, Charles Har-
rison and Thomas Wintersell, and that it was Probable some
of Clarkes accomplices were Come in the said Sloope
Ordered that the Sherriff of Ann Arundell County make
Seizure thereof; and bring the said Sloop with the Skipper
and others Concerned before his Excny and this Boarde
The Councill Adjourned for an hour

p. 41

Post Meridiem
The Councill Sate Present as before

Mr Skinner and Eleaven other members of the house of
Delegates bring up the houses Address to his Excny the Go-
vernour Viz.

To his Excellency John Seymour Esqr Capt Cenll and Co-
mander in Chief of her Majestys Province & Territorys of
The humble Address of her Majestys most Dutifull and
Loyall Subjects the Delegates and Representatives of the In-
habitants of the Severall and respective Countys of this her
Majestys Province of Maryland now convened into a Genll
Wherein first We give Your Excny our humble and hearty
thanks for that Peace & Tranquility which wee have & do now
Enjoy under Your prudent and auspecious Government humb-
ly hopeing that our gracious Queen will be pleased to Continue
You long in this Government over us.
Sr As You have added to our Tranquility many Advantages
so wee must not omitt to Express our thanks to Your Excny for

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 26   View pdf image (33K)
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