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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 25   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 25

Post Meridiem
The Council Sate Present as before
Mr Ecclestone brought the following Message from the house
of Delegates Viz.


By the House of Delegates
Aprill 3d 1707.

In answer to the Message about Placing a Court house
of Talbott County This house have appointed a select number
of their members who will be ready to Conferr wth the honble
Councill as Soone as Your Excny and honrs shall give Orders
for it. Signed p Order W Taylard Cl h D.

Upon reading the houses Message Coll Lloyd and Mr Coursey
are appointed to Conferr with the members of the house upon
the Matters Proposed.
Capt Silvester Welch being called before his Excellency the
Governour and Councill. His Excny told him he did not hold
him worthy to keep his Comission any Longer for that Oath
was made that he had disposed of the Countrys Powder with
which he had been Intrusted And that to those who were
Enemys to and Disturbers of the Peace thereof particularly to
Daniel Wells to whome he sent three pounds thereof.
Capt Welch says he did Spare Daniel Wells Powder but it
was of his owne.

p. 38

Being asked what he had done with the Countrys Powder
he had of his Excny He said what was left was at his house an
the Rest he had fired away in the sumer
His Excny was Pleased to tell him that he did no belive him:
And discharging him from his Comand Ordered he should
give good Security for his Behaviour &ca
Col Blay and Mr Ennalls bring up from the house the Bill
for Suspending during her Majestys Royal Pleasure the Prose-
cucon of the Priests of the Romish Comunion, incurring the
Penaltys of the Act of Assembly to Prevent the Growth of
Popery for or by reason of Exercising their Function in a
Private Family of the Romish Comunion, but in no other Case
Endorsed to have been read twice and past the house of
The Board Adjourned untill nine of the Clock To morrow

Fryday Aprill 4th 1707.
The Councill Sate Present as Yesterday.
A Petition for Relief of severall Inhabitants of Dorchester
County where the original Wills & Inventorys were burnt in

p. 39

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 25   View pdf image (33K)
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