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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 23   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 23

which Wells said he had of Silvester Welches Wife and that
She heard Daniel Wells say he had Clarke by the Hand a few
days before he went & swore he would follow him.
That Wells told her he mett with his first Cozen at An-
napolis To which She Answered She believed he was his Cozen
Rogue. Wells said they were Brother & Sister Children and
brought him where Wells lived and there they drunck all
night and after found means to Steale away her Orphan Boy
and did discourse as she heard of their Intent to take away a
mollatto Boy.
Capt George Harris came and made oath that not Long
since comeing through Hoopers streights he mett with one
Robt Reed who told him that three White men and two Ne-
groes a Man and a Woman put into a Bite on Island
where they had made a Tent and that two of them had Arms.
That the sd Reed & two others went to them and invited them


up to the house but they said they did not want any thing
unless Rume if they could sell them any to which they ans-
wered they could not and thereupon they tooke to their Boate
and made downe the bay.
Reid discribed one to be Richard Clarke having a flat nose
peaked Chinn & under jaw outjetting the upper.
This Boarde being well Informed that Richd Clarke Charles
Harrison and Thos Wintersell went away from South River
in a Boate wth two Negro's much about that time verily believe
they were the Same.
And ordered Mrs Finley & Mr Harris's Depons be sent to
the house of Delegates Who are desired to direct the Cofnittee
to Examine Majr Wilson what Wm Stimpson has Declared to
The Board having Examined the Evidences Produced on
behalf of Henry Roberts as to the Illegitimacye of Elinar
Campbells Child Pretend to be heir at Law to John Roberts
And being Satisfied therewith. Ordred that the said Petition
and Examination to be Sent to the house of Delegates by
Coll Holland and Mr Sanders, Who carryed them downe to
the House.
The Boarde Adjourned till to morrow Morning at nine of
the Clock

p. 35

Thursday Aprill 3d 1707.
The Councill State Present as Yesterday.

The following Message Sent to the house of Dellegates by
Mr Sanders Viz.

p. 36

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 23   View pdf image (33K)
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