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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 22   View pdf image (33K)
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22 Assembly Proceedings, March 16-April 15, 1707.


Courts at St Marys being represented by the Grand Jury of
that County as a great agrievance to the Major Part of the
Inhabitants there doe recomend to the house of Del: that a
Short Act of Assembly be made for appointing the said Court
house to be built at a Small Towne to be Erected at Britains
Bay, being within two miles of the Center of the whole County,
and the better to Enable the said County to build such new
Court house that Com" be appointed to make a good Sale of
the Court House at Se Marys Towne; and the Present Interest
of the country to one hundred Acres of Land there and the
Rent and Reversion of the Country house saving the Rights
of Perticular Persons, who have built and taken up Lotts and
paid for the same, there being 30000l tobo
offered therefore,
which is conceived will be Sufficient to build a Convenient
Court house for the said County.
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Council

p. 33

The Boarde Adjourned for an hour

Post Meridiem
The Councill Sate Present as in the morning

Mr Skinner and Mr Macall came up with Henry Roberts
Petition referred by the last to this Session of Assembly &
desire this Board would receive Satisfaction thereto before the
Bill prayed for be brought in.
Then Came Mr John Duvall before his Exncy the Governr
& Councill and Declared that Mrs Eliza. Finley had Informed
him Capt. Silvester Welch had lett Daniell Wells about
Christmas last have three pounds of Powder which Wells
powered upon his hand and sayd it was the Countrys Powder.
Mr Duvall says he believes Wells Intended to goe away
with Clarke because he Striped no Tobacco but lett it Spoile.
Mrs Eliza. Finley came and made Oath before his Exncy the
Governour in Councill That Daniel Wells had three pounds of
Powder which Silvester Welches negro that workes at Coopering
brought him from his Master. That Wells powered it upon
his hand and said it was the Countrys Powder.

p. 34

After which he put it in a Gourd and lockt it up in a Chest
And that She Saw it two or three days before Wells went
away & Some Swann Shott which She observed was not in the
Chest after he was gone.
And further that Arnold the Son of Charles Harrison came
and called Wells out not Long before he went and that
Wells stayd abroad from Thursday to Saturday and that he
was at Annapolis for two or three days together. She Saw
Wells have two false Dollars Supposed to be of Clarks makeing

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 22   View pdf image (33K)
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