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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 227   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 227

shall have that report & her Majesty's order thereon & what
orders I have received from the Right hon:ble the Lords
Commrs of Trade &c on Sr Thos's Complaint whereby you will
perceive how earnestly her Majesty recommends a Law to
appropriate the fines of those Licences to his Office for a longer
duration of Time than three years therefore hope you will be
so prudent to shew your ready Complyance therein

U. H. J.

Mr Speaker & you Gent. Delegates

I have repeated Instructions about the four Justices who are
appointed to hold the provincial Courts and annually go their
Circuits twice & am Commanded to let her Majesty have
Speedy notice what provision the Country has made to Enable
them the better to go through the Fatigues of their Constant
Attendances on that Duty Let your Concurrence therefore be
hearty and cheerful while It is in your Power, and banish all
flattering whispers which advise you to Swallow such a perni-
cious notion that you Gentlemen here assembled are wiser
than the vast Crowds of the other great Dominions — who with
open loyal hearts run to Serve & obey her sacred Majesty who
seems Concerned the late Assembly threw out the Bill for
punishing those that should raise or disperse false news in this
Critical Time of War & danger and am Commanded to offer
it anew to you Gentlemen the present Delegates nor can I
believe any reasonable well meaning man to the Governmt will
ever be against it

There is an Arrear due to the poor men Employed to
secure your Magazine & Arms during our late Disturbance
for as it was my very great Concern to preserve the Peace of
the Country I am sure It is your part to see those paid &
Rewarded who were so ready and Vigilant to serve the

And now Gent. Give me leave to tell you It is high Time
for you that represent the whole Province to look into the
many immoralitys of this poor deluded Country where Drunk-
ness Adultery Sabbath breaking and Perjury are a Jest,
Horrid Murders Stifled and the Malefactors glory in it
Treasons made a Trifle & the Abettors caressed Magistrates
grow careless and the offenders impudent, some being made
believe by many seducers a short Confession here can absolve
them from any future Account 'till these Things are in some
measures amended by your Prudence and Example

p. 557

I have but Slender hopes your Debates can be succesful
but as we are all willing to be called Christians and good

p. 558

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 227   View pdf image (33K)
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