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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 228   View pdf image (33K)
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228 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 29-Dec. 15, 1708.

U. H. J.

Subjects let us in our Several Stations act like men of that
noble Excellent Character; And let that Magistrate be Stigma-
tized with Infamy who ever Connives at or Countenances any
Sort of Knavery, Atheism or disloyalty and when ever you
will heartily and Sincerely Endeavour to bring this great
work about I should by the blessing of God Gentlemen never
doubt of seeing the Country flourish & improve, for then the
Heathens round about us would never mock at our Religion
as Hypocrisy and the rest of the World will see know and be
Convinced; to your lasting Glory that the People of Maryland
truly Serve God and with a dutiful Regard Honour our lawful
and rightful Sovereign the Queen
And then Mr Speaker and the Delegates took leave and
returned to their House
The honble Col Holland Mr Young Col Greenfield & Mr
Lynes being impowered by a Special Dedimus potestatem
under the great Seale were sent by his Excell to administer
the Oaths to the Members of the Lower House and see them
sign the Test &c.
Who after some time return & say they administred the
Oaths to thirty four of their members and saw them Sign the
declaration for Extinguishing the hopes of the pretended
Prince of Wales & sign the Test

p. 559

Major General Lloyd & Col Coursey took the Oaths re-
quired by Law and Signed the Declaration & Test
Mr Philemon Hemsley and Mr Nathaniel Dare presented
Mr Richard Dallam to his Excell in Council who took the
Oaths of Allegiance & Oath of Clerk of the House of Dele-
gates and signed the Declaration & Test
The Board adjourned 'till to morrow morning nine of the

Tuesday November the 30th 1708
The Council met according to Adjournmt last night
Present as yesterday

Mr Whittington and Mr Covington present Mr James
Phillips Mr Richard Colegate & Mr Aquila Paca Members
Elected for Baltimore County to be sworn who accordingly
took the Oaths & Subscribed the Test & Declaration
Col Holland and Mr Lynes sent to the House of Delegates
with her Majesty's Letter & order in favour of Sr Thos
Lawrence the Attorney General Sr Simon Harcourts Report
on Sr Tho's Petition and a paragraph of the Lords Commrs of
Trade & Plantations Letter of the second of September 1708
and her Majesty's order in Council for the repeale of the two
Laws about masters cropping Hhds Tobo
on board their Ships

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 228   View pdf image (33K)
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