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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 226   View pdf image (33K)
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226 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 29-Dec. 15, 1708.

U. H. J.

After which Mr Speaker on behalf of the house of Delegates
desired that if any mistake or misapprehensions should happen
His Excell would attribute it to his Imperfection rather than
the houses and give him the Liberty of free Recourse to his
Person which his Excell. was pleased to do and then bespake
them as follows Viz.

p. 555

Mr Speaker and you Gent. Delegates
It has been demonstrable to all unbyassed Persons that I
never promoted any Separate Interest from yours, since my
administration and with an honest open heart I here solemnly
Assure you her sacred Majesty's Service and the true Welfare
of this Province has been my only Ambition since I had the
honour to be Constituted Governour of Maryland
And if some sower ill natured Incendiaries had not lately
used their utmost malicious Insinuations to disturb & debauch
her Majesty's other well meaning Subjects (who came well
prepared & honestly inclined to serve their Queen & Country)
there had been no Occasion for Convening an Assembly so
late in the year
Therefore let me Enjoyn you to lay aside all animositys un-
necessary heats & private piques that with calmness you may
truly Consider the publick Interest with some regard to the
Character her Majesty has given me being ready to concur
with you in what Laws our Sovereign has with great Tender-
ness recommended; & others which you may think proper to
be presented this Session, for as I am heartily willing to serve
the Province to my utmost I'll never give you reason to believe
I will ever be a Victim to the restless antimonarchial Spirit of an
ungovernable Faction but as I have always Studied Loyalty to
God Almighty's Vice Gerent on Earth with all Sincerity &
Friendship I would gladly inculcate that hon:ble principle into
the minds of Every Gentleman here present. Mr Speaker
what I have further to offer unto you at this Time is what I

p. 556

have recommended to the late Convention viz.
That her Majesty has been pleased to disapprove of two
Laws lately made here the one against masters cropping
Tobos on board their Ships and the other about the Gauge of
Tob: Hhds and Commands me to tell you it is her royal
Pleasure we in this Province Conform to the Size of those in
Virginia and recommends a new Law to be made for that

Her Majesty thinks Sr Thos Lawrence hardly used in respect
of the ordinary Licences which her late Attorny General has
reported to belong to his Office of Secretary. Mr Speaker

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 226   View pdf image (33K)
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