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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 154   View pdf image (33K)
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154 Assembly Proceedings, March 26-April 15, 1707.

Lib. L. L.

No. 64.
p. 296

An Act giving power to the Farmers of the Lord Baltemores
Rents to recover the arreares thereof after Expiration of
their lease.

Whereas the Right honourable Charles Lord Baron of
Baltemore Lord and Propryetary of the Province of Maryland
and avalon. And Edward Somersett of Pantley in the County
of Gloucester in the Kingdome of England Esqr by Indenture
bearing Date the Sixteenth day of October in the year of our
Lord Sixteen hundred ninety Nine for Diverse good Con-
siderations in the said Indenture Expressed did grant bargaine
Sell and Demise unto Richard Bennett & James Heath of the
province of Maryland Merchants their Executors Administra-
tors or assignes all and every those yearly and other rents
sume and sumes of mony Issues and profitts due and
payable from the respective owners Tenants farmers or
occupyers of any Lands or other hereditaments in the province
of Maryland then held or dureing the terme of Eight years
next to Come from the first day of August Last past before
the Date of the said Indenture for Eight years should be held

p. 297

of the said Charles Lord Baltemore by patent grant or demise
and also all manner of fine or fines forfeitures and alienations
and all arrearages of the same due and unreceived and which
should grow due and payable from the Respective owners
Tenants Farmers and occupyers afd and all the Estate and
Estates right Tittle interest Claime and Demand Whatsoever
of Them the said Charles Lord Baltemore and Edward
Somersett To have hold receive and Take the said Rents
Sume and Sumes of mony Issues and profitts fines for-
feitures and alienations and all other the premisses unto the
said Richard Bennett and James Heath their Executors
Administrators and Assignes from the said first day of August
last past before the date of the said Indenture for Eight years
next Ensuing which said Eight years will be Compleated and
ended the first Day of August one thousand seven hundred
and Seven On which Day the arrears of the afd Rents Issues
Sumes of mony fines Forfeitures and alienations will really be
the proper Estate of the said Richd Bennett and James Heath
but the rents Issues sums of mony fines forfeitures and
alienations which after the said first day of August One
thousand seven hundred and Seven shall accrue Will be the
Estate or Estates of the said Lord Baltemore and Edward
Somersett and the said Richard Bennett and James Heath
Cannot Possibly by the said first day of August one Thousand
Seven hundred and Seven receive all the rents Issues and
arrearages which will be due to them by reason many tracts
of Land Belong to orphans of Which none will at present pay

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 154   View pdf image (33K)
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