An Act Explaining Some Doubtfull Expressions in the Act
for Limitation of Officers fees
Whereas in the said Act for Limitation of officers fees it is
Expressed the Secretary shall have for every Execution and
Returne. And a blank left for the Sume when it ought to have
been Expressed Twenty Eight pounds of Tobacco.
Be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majty by and
with the Advice and Consent of her Majesty's Governour
Councell and Assembly of this province and the Authority of
the same that he shall have for an Execution and returne
Twenty Eight pounds of Tobacco and for any matter Entered
upon Record not Exceeding half a side Eight pounds of To-
bacco and for every Continuance in Chancery Sixteen pounds
of Tobacco.
And be it Enacted That such fees in the Severall Cases
aforesaid as were appointed by his Excellency the Governour
in Councell to be paid to the Secretary untill this present session
of Assembly shall be Satisfyed and paid to the Secretary by
the psons from whome the same are due and on non payment
thereof it shall be Law full to Levy the Same by way of Execu-
This Act to Endure so Long as the said Act for limitacon
of Officers fees shall be in force and no Longer.
Aprill the 10th 1707 Read and assented to by the house of
Delegates. Signed p order W Taylard Cl h D.
Aprill the 10th 1707. Read & Assented to by her Majtys
honrble Councill & Signed p order. W Bladen Cl. Council.
Aprill 15th 1707
On the behalf of her Majesty Queen Anne of England I will
this be a Law. Jo: Seymour.