and Intent. That they had Cabals together especially at An-
napolis where a Time for their going was perfixed to be some
Time in March last. That they had agreed to take Mr Bruff's
Boat and if that not Sufficient Mr Evan Jones's Shallop or any
other Vessel fit for their Turn and as soon as they had done
their Mischeif here go to Carolina That Clarke was assisted
out of South River by Wells and him called the Sailor who
afterward came to Annapolis to prepare the others but Wells
having broke some of Clark's Money was in Fear of being
apprehended Whereupon he, the Sailor and Stimpson had a
Meeting at the House of Smithers in Annapolis and then
Wells and the Sailor went off in a Boat and pursued a Shallop
wherein was Mr Jacob Lookerman Jun' and one Edward Tay-
lor bound for South River but not gaining their Intent made
their way down the Bay and came within a Day's Journey of
Clark Sometime after several of them were apprehended in
Annapolis and committed to Prison, to wit, Stimpson, Cooper,
Williams, Peacock and Keyton, where they now lye by his
Excellency's Order (who we think deserves the utmost Thanks
ot the House for his Care therein) for had this cursed and vil-
lainous Design taken Effect we and our Posterity might have
been ruined by the burning of the Records which we are of
Opinion was the chief Intent and Design of those Villainies.
As to those Persons that were running away with Mr Gale's
Sloop at the Eastern Shore we are of Opinion 'twas to the
same Intent of the others.
L. H. J.