and his Accomplices against her Majesty's Government. Also
that Wells and the Privateer followeb Clarke came to Long
Island in the Bay where Clarke had deen the Day before and
enquired after him That they were in a small Boat well armed
That Wells carryed Powder and Shot with him from Home
pretended they were in Pursuit of Clarke by Order of Major
Wilson That Clarke pretended himself a Merchant going to
settle in News River in Carolina said many People of Mary-
land were following him and used many Arguments to persuade
to Inhabitants about the Islands to go with him.
Signed p Order Richd Dallam Cl. Com.
The aforegoing Report of the Committee was brought into
the House of Delegates on April the 4th 1707 and being there
read and considered of it's resolved the House concur therewith,
and that humble Thanks be given his Excellency &ta
Signed p Order W Taylard Cl. Ho. Del.
By Order of the House of Delegates the following Address
to her most Sacred Majesty was ordered to be here entered Viz.
The humble Address of your Majesty's most Dutiful and
Loyal Subjects your Governor Council and Assembly of your
Majesty's Province of Maryland in America. In all humble
manner beseeching your Majesty to give us (whose Persons not
Hearts are so tar removed from your Royal Presence) Leave
to prostrate ourselves at your Royal feet and show unto your
Majesty That the Lord Baltimore and Mr William Pen by the
especial Grace & Favour of your Majesty's Royal Predecessors
obtained two large and Royal Grants the former of the Prov-
ince of Maryland the latter of the Province of Pensylvania and
which is a younger Grant than the former by many Years, and