Elizabeth Finely says that Silvester Welsh sent by his Negro
three Pounds of the Country Powder to Wells and that Wells
opened it and took some of it in his Hands and said 'tis Coun-
try Powder and that Wells paid Welsh therefor by his Servants
Work in weaving some Cloth for Welsh.
April 3d 1707.
This Committee having fully heard and considered the
aforegoing Declarations do humbly report to the House That
they find there was a Design framed by Richard Clarke
Daniel Wells and a certain Person who termed himself a
Sailor to take some Vessel and get what Assistance they could
in Order to disturb her Majesty's Peace and Government here
to make an Attempt upon the Town of Annapolis and burn
some Houses there and whilst that Consternation continued
to seize the Magazine and Powder House to furnish themselves
with Arms and Ammunition in Order to go a Privateering That
they had so far prosecuted their Design as to gain several
Housekeepers of desperate Fortunes and other disaffected
Persons to their Party and that Clarke by his Prodigality in
disbursing and spreading about the Counterfeit Money had so
insinuated himself into the Minds of several Servants belong-
ing to Persons in and near the Town of Annapolis and else-
where to join with them in their Cursed and wicked Design