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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 117   View pdf image (33K)
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7"he Lower House. 117

Brother William Brereton Clarke and Wintersell went to carry
Mr Plumer's Boat back again Clarke sent for John Spry and
hired him as the Skipper of the Shallop to come up to South
River in Maryland with the Declarant at the Rate of three
Pounds ten Shillings p month and the Declarant at Eighteen
Pence p Diem and gave Instructions in an open Paper in
writing directed to Mr Joseph Hill to whom he also gave them
a Letter at parting said Good Friends whatever you do apply
yourselves to Mr Hill without any further Enquiries said Clarke
told them they were to bring down his wife and Children and
WinterselPs wife to whom Wintersell sent a Letter and accord-
ing to Orders they came to South River on Saturday 29th March
the Declarant went on Shore to John Pain's Plantation who
shewed him the way to Mr Hill's where he lay that night and
the next morning gave said Hill Clarke's Letter.
Mr Hill ordered two Horses to be got and with the Declarant
went on Board the Sloop and discoursed the Skipper Spry
and after which the said Hill and Declarant went to Captain
Welshe's where was Richard Clarke and Wintersell' s wives
and there Mr Hill discoursed with them and after he and Hill

L. H. J.

came to Pain's Plantation and the Declarant went on Board
the Sloop and according to Mr Hill's Order directed John Spry
the Skipper to come to his House heard Mr Hill say when he
was on Board the Sloop I wish you were going now here is a
brave Wind he would give twenty Pounds they were under Sail
with the Things all on Board Hill bad them go up the River and
trim their Sloop while the Things were bringing down accord-
ingly they went up the River and into Beares Creek Mr Hill
told them that several People were Daily going and that three
young Blades were lately gone towards Virginia or Carolina.
Tho: Brereton

The Declarant says that he saw Richard Clarke write an
open Paper of Directions to them to enquire for Mr. Hill and
take his Advice in all Things before they enquired of any
Body else Mr Hill bad them be sure to make Haste to get
the Things on Board for he should long to hear they were gone
Thos Brereton April 8th 1707

Sworn to before his Excellency the Governor and Council
W Bladen Cl. Co.
Vera Copia Examinat p W Bladen Cl. Co.

April 9th 1707. Thomas R'icketts declared Mrs Clarke told
him Mr Hill sent a Sloop for her which was consigned to him
says he thinks and verily believes he has seen Richard Clarke

p. 140

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 117   View pdf image (33K)
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