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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 116   View pdf image (33K)
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116 Assembly Proceedings, March 26- April 15, 1707.

L. H. J.

and Family thither said his Name was Robert Garrett the other
two went by the Name of Thomas Wintersell and Mr Peters
which last pretended to be a Schoolmaster they went up the
Creek to his Uncle Smith's and stay'd there four Days in
which Time it being discoursed the Declarant was going to
Elizabeth River to get a Passage on Board one William Burrows
for New England Richard Clarke offered him a Passage to
Linhaven Bay which the Declarant accepted and went along
with him and his Company in his Boat. While Clarke was at
his Uncle Smith's the Declarant went to his Uncle Shapley's
and fetched all his Cloaths and put them in WinterselPs Chest
and before the Declarant went to his Brother William Brereton
came after him and stopt him and made him take his Cloaths
out again and the Declarant did intend to have gone to Som-
erset County with John Spry but the Wind being at North
West Clarke overpersuaded him to go with him and when
they came to Mr Thomas Plumer's at New Point Comfort went
up the Creek to the House and stay'd there about four or five
Days and the Wind blowing fresh at North West and their
Boat little so that they were afraid to cross Mopjack Bay Mr
Plumer was persuaded to lend them his Boat in which they went
to the mouth of Elizabeth River and there the Declarant saw
a Boat that came towards them wherein was one Daniel Wells,

p. 139

Thomas Barebatch a Saylor and a Boy about fourteen years
old gave Clark's Boat hold of their Painter and seemed to be
very glad to see them Wells called Clark by the Name of
Garrett. Both Boats went into Elizabeth River and Wells and
his Company was taken up at Norfolk Town by Major Bush
and Captain Mason and Clarke pleaded that Daniel Wells
was an honest Man and good Liver, the Boy had like to have
betrayed them for he said he was a Woman's Servant here.
Wells said he was his Servant and bought him to assist de-
signing to buy a Plantation and was intended to get a Planta-
tion at News River in Carolina. There was a Letter of Mark
Sloop there and the Crew was afraid Thomas Barebatch and
Wells intended to cut her loose and run away on privateering.
Clarke got drunk with the Letter of Markmen and fought with
two or three of them. The Privateer Brabatch was employed
to get a Vessel off, that was drove on Shore by a Tempest
Clarke directed Wells and Harrison to one Cap' Smith in
News River till he could come to them, hired this Shallop of
Peter Cartwright and left his two negroes three Trunks and
his Cloaths in Pawn until her Return persuaded the Declarant
to come up again with him to Wiccocomoco to his Uncle Sam-
uel Smith's, and took on Board the Shallop Thomas Wintersell
and one James Cale a young Freeman and came up to Potow-
mack Point where Cale went over the Bay with the Declarant's

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 116   View pdf image (33K)
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