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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 118   View pdf image (33K)
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118 Assembly Proceedings, March 26- April 15, 1707.

L. H. J.

twice the last Winter near his late Dwelling Plantation at the
Head of South River says some Time the last Winter he saw
Sylvester Welsh sitting with Mrs Clarke at Clarke's House and
Suspects Richd Clarke might be then in the same House the
Doors were shut when he came to the House.
Sworn to in Council. W Bladen Cl. Co.

Which said several Depositions were here read in the House
and being fully debated and considered the House find it relates
to some high Crimes and Misdemeanours supposed to be com-
mitted by Mr Joseph Hill a member of this House therefore
ordered that Mr Joseph Hill withdraw the House till the Matter
in the Depositions be further debated
Upon which Mr Hill withdrew
And then the House did further proceed to debate the Mat-
ters laid to his Charge and the Depositions being read and fully
considered it was moved by a member that it may be put to the
Vote whether the Crimes laid to Mr Hill's Charge as in the
Depositions is set forth be sufficient to expel him or no? Which
being likewise debated it was afterwards put to the Question
whether it be sufficient to expel him or not? Carryed in the
Affirmative. Thereupon Resolved he be dismist and expelled

p. 141

this House till he be cleared of what is laid to his Charge
upon which Mr Hill was called into the House. He appeared
and Mr Speaker to acquaint him with the Vote and Resolve of
the House aforesaid and so withdrew. The House adjourns
till tomorrow morning seven o'clock.

Saturday the 12th April 1707.

The House met again were called over and present as yes-
terday only Mr Hill. Read what was done yesterday
Upon reading the Report of the Committee to inspect the
Land Law it was Resolved Nemine contradicente that the
Consideration thereof be referred till next Session of Assem-
bly and that a small Bill be brought in to continue the Law.
And likewise ordered that this Matter come under Debate
of the House at the first sitting of the next Assembly.
Lloyd and William Coursey enters the house and
delivers Mr Speaker a Message the Consideration whereof is
referred till Afternoon.
Bill continuing in force the Act for ascertaining the Bounds
of Lands &ca
Read the first Time Indorsed & Sent up to the Council by
Mr George Muschamp
He returns and says he delivered the Bill

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 118   View pdf image (33K)
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