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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 115   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 115

Garrett directed him for Advice and to take his Directions in
all Things, On Sunday Morning said Hill and Brereton came
on Board the Shallop where the Declarant gave the other two
Letters to Hill or else Brereton carryed them with him, and
Hill and Brereton on Horse Back went to Mrs Clark's or as
Brereton has told him went to Captain Welsh's whither
they sent for Mrs Clarke and she came to them. Brereton saw
her and discoursed her and said she was a brisk talking woman.
On Sunday Night Thomas Brereton came on Board and told
him he must go to Mr Hill's whither he went on Monday Morning
March 3 Ist would have had Brereton gone to enter the Sloop,
but Brereton told him, Mr Hill said he must come himself to
the Collector; the Declarant went with Mr Hill to Mr Evan
Jones who gave him the Permit produced. And Mr Hill lent
the Declarant money to pay for it 2s 6d then Mr Hill bade him
go up the River, saying you complain your Shallop is leaky, let
that be your Excuse, if any come on Board, but who you are
acquainted with. Mr Hill said he wished he had the Things
on Board and the Shallop under Sail with a fair wind he would
give twenty Pounds, told him when discoursed of Clearing
there was no need of it; was at Mr Clarke's House and helped

L. H. J.

down with a Cart Load of Goods, saw several Persons assisting.
There were two Carts describes one short man, ruddy Com-
plexion, waddled and had a Cane in his Hand at the House.
There was a gray Haired Man and a little Boy managed one
of the Carts. They took in the Goods on Thursday and Friday
last. Richard Clarke gave the Declarant a Paper open, saw
Clarke write it, and Clarke said it was Instructions for him
wholly to apply himself to Mr Hill John Spry.

Aprill 8th 1707. Sworn before his Excellency the Governor
in a full Council Vera Copia.
Examinat p W Bladen Cl. Co.
W. Bladen Cl. Co.

April 7th 1707.

Thomas Brereton brought before his Excellency the Gov-
ernor and Council declared.
That being at the Bay Side in Fluits Pound following with
his Cousin John Shipley spied Richard Clarke and Cha. Harri-
son and Thomas Wintersell with a Negro Man and Woman
by a Fire they had made in the Bank and his Uncle coming
thither invited them to his House. Having asked from whence
Clarke came he answered from Maryland and that he had
bought a Plantation and was carrying his Negroes to make
Corn in Carolina and intended in the Summer to fetch his Wife

p. 138

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 115   View pdf image (33K)
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