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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 114   View pdf image (33K)
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114 Assembly Proceedings, March 20- April 15, 1707.

L. H. J.

By the House of Delegates April 11th 1707

Upon reading your Honours Message relating to that Part
of his Excellency's Speech touching her Majesty's Commands
in reducing the Number of the Provincial Justices and appoint-
ing Judges to go the Circuits this House do not approve thereof
and therefore cannot agree to the Proposal
Signed p Order W. Taylard Cl. Ho. Del.

Which being read and approved was sent up to his Excel-

lency and Council by Mr Robert Tyler and Mr John Mackall They

return and say they delivered their Message. William Coursey
Esqr enters the House and delivers Mr Speaker the following
Ingrossed Supplementary Bill to the Act for Towns
Ingrossed Bill for Relief of Debtors &ta
Both indorsed Viz. April 11th 1707 Read and assented to
by the Governor and Council in Assembly.
Signed p Order. W. Bladen Cl. Co.

p. 137

Upon reading the Petition of Samuel Norwood on Behalf of
Acton and being debated it is referred to the Consideration of
next Assembly
The following Depositions brought into the House from the
Honble Council were ordered to be entered Viz.

Monday April 7th 1707

John Spry brought before the Board declared about the first
of March last he was at Mr Samuel Smith's on Potowmack
Pointwhere he came in Company with Mr Garrett who discoursed
him about coming to South River to fetch said Garrett's Wife,
the Declarant told him if he would get a Sloop, Clark had in
his Company Thomas Wintersell and a Schoolmaster and two
negroes, after the Declarant went over the Bay Brereton was
at Samuel Smiths, when the Discourse was, and understands
that he went down to Eliza Town in Virga with Clarke. Some-
time after the Declarant's Return over the Bay, said Garrett
who the Declarant now verily believes to be Richard Clarke of
this Province came to Potowmack Point with a Sloop; Brereton
with him and two other men who came Passengers; and went
over to Somerset County And then the said Garrett agreed
with the Declarant to go Skipper of the Shallop to South
River, to fetch his wife, gave him three Letters, one directed
to Mr Joseph Hill, one other to Elizabeth Garrett, and the other
to Wintersell's Wife, the Declarant came into South River
the 29th March, sent Thomas Brereton with the Letter to whom

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 114   View pdf image (33K)
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