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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 113   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 113

Majesty for copper money proposed and purchase more Arms
and Ammunition for the Country's Service and also obviate
many Reflections cast upon the Country which cannot be done
without Somebody in England authorized to act in that Station.
Signed p Order W. Bladen Cl. Co.

L. II. J.

Which being read and debated this House ordered that
there be allowed him £120 Sterling for one years Agency
from the 17th Day of September 1706.
Ingrossed Supplementary Bill to the Act for Towns Read
and assented to Ordered to be so. Indorsed and sent up to
his Excellency and Council by Colo James Maxwell Mr John
Maclaster, Mr John Mackall and Mr John Jones for their As-
sent. They return and say they delivered the Bill
Mr Samuel Young ordered to attend the Council to see
Mr George Muschamp to prove his publick Accounts
He returns and says he saw him prove his Accounts upon
The Honble Thomas Tench Esqr Colo
Hammond, Colo
and Colo
Holland enters the House and delivers Mr Speaker
the following Message Viz.

By his Excellency the Governor and Council in Assembly
April the 11th 1707

Your House cannot have forgot what his Excellency was
pleased to acquaint you with at your first meeting in this Ses-
sion that her Majesty approved of reducing the Number of the
Provincial Justices and appointing Itinerant Judges to go the
Circuits and hold the Assizes in every County.
Therefore since you seem to intimate in your Message Yes-
terday by Major Lowe you hoped the Session near a Conclu-
sion we cannot but admire why you have not yet given his
Excellency Satisfaction what you intend to do therein. And
we would wish you to consider what was proposed is absolutely
within her Majesty's Royal Prerogative and therefore will be
effected according to her Directions and the Condescension
now made by his Excellency in having your Advice on that
important Affair will serve to remind you hereafter perhaps
when it may be too late that you have not only mistaken your-
selves but the true Interest of the Country.
Signed p Order. W. Bladen Cl. Co.

Which being read and debated it's resolved that the follow-
ing Message be sent up to the Council in Answer thereto.


p. 136

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 113   View pdf image (33K)
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