Provided Always that this Act nor anything therein Con-
tained shall Extend or be Construed or taken to Extend to
goods and Merchandizes Imported into this Province which
are bona fide consigned or belonging to any pson or psons
actually residing in the Collony of Virginia or province of
Pensilvania or goods and merchandizes imported in order to
be shipt of for the coast of Guinea ; This Act to Indure for
three years and from thence to the End of the next Sessions
of Assembly which shall Happen next after the end of the
said three year.
Aprill 18th 1706 Read and assented to by the house of
Delegates. Sign'd p ordr Wm Taylard Cl house Del.
Aprill 18th 1706. Her Majestys honorable Councill have
read & Assented hereto. Sign'd p ordr
Wm Bladen Cl Council.
Aprill 19th 1 706. On the behalf of her most Sacred Majesty
Queen Anne &c I will this be a Law.
Jo : Seymour