An Act Declaring Severall acts of Parliament made in the
Kingdom of England to be in force within this Province.
Be it Enacted By the Queens most Excellent Majesty by
and with the advice and Consent of her Majestys Governour
Councill and Assembly of this province and the Authority
of the same that the act of Parliament made at the Parliament
begun and held at Westminster the nineteenth Day of March
in the first year of the reigne of our Late Sovereigne Lord
King James the first Intituled an Act to restraine all persons
from marriage untill their former wives and former husbands
be Dead and the severall penall acts of parliament of England
mentioned in the act of parliament made att the parliament
held att Westminster in the first year of the reigne of our
late Sovereign Lord and Lady King William and Queen
Mary Entituled an Act for Exempting their Majestys Protest-
tant Subjects Dissenting from the Church of England from
the Penaltys of Certain Laws together with the said Last
mentioned Act of Parliament Exempting their Majestys Pro-
testant Subjects Desenting from the Church of England from
the penaltys of the said Laws & Every article Clause matter
and thing in the said Acts contained shall be & are in full
force to all Intents & purposes within this Province.
Aprill 18th 1706 Read and assented to by the house of
Delegates Sign'd p ordr Wm Taylard Cl house Del.