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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 581   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 581

the said Whittington was ordered to withdraw And the House
having debated the Matter in the afs'd Petition Resolved
That a Bill be brought into the House to invest the said
Whittington and his Heirs in the said Land in Part of Satis-
faction of the Debts by him claimed.
Bill for Division of Several Counties Read the first Time
and ordered to be read again.
Colo Thomas Ennalls from the Council enters the House &
delivers, Bill enabling certain Trustees to sell Lands given to
St Michael's Parish in Talbot County Indorsed thus Viz.

April 8th 1706. By the Council in Assembly

Solomon Jones's Will being read at this Board, as also the
Petition of the Vestry of St Michael's Parish upon due Con-
sideration had thereof the Will does not second the Petition
which sets forth the said Jones did by his last will and Testa-
ment in Writing bequeath his Dwelling Plantation to be sold
and the Profits thereof to be appropriated to the Use of a
Chapel of Ease, but is altogether uncertain and no full Indi-

Lib. 41.

cation of the Testators Mind. Wherefore, altho this Board
will be always ready to assert the Church's Interest yet they
shall ever be unwilling to do any Thing may be unlawful or
irregular to the Prejudice of any W Bladen Cl Council.

Upon reading the Indorsement aforesaid this House do
find the Will does not second the Petition as is above inti-
mated therefore this House will not further proceed on that
Bill for uniting New Port Hundred to William & Mary
Parish in Charles County. Read the first and second Times
and do pass.
Sent up to the Council for Concurrence by Mr Peter Watts.
He returns and says he delivered the same.
The Petition of Philemon Hemsley of Talbot County Admr
of William Alderne dec'd praying a Bill to vest Lots of Land
in him to enable him to pay Debts &ca Read and by the
House rejected.
The Petition of Richard Smith relating to the Bounds of
some Land &ca Read and the Consideration thereof is referred
till Afternoon and ordered the Petr have notice then to appear
and the Clerk of the Land Records to attend the House with
the Books in which the Certificates relating to the Petitioner
are recorded.
James Saunders Esqr from the Council enters the House and
delivers Mr Speaker the following Message.

3. 65

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 581   View pdf image (33K)
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