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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 578   View pdf image (33K)
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578 Assembly Proceedings, April 2-19, 1706.

Lib. 41.

Bill enabling certain Trustees to sell Land given to St Mich
ael's Parish in Talbot County ; Read the first and second Time
and do pass.
Sent up to the Honble Council by Mr John Jones and Mr
Joseph for their Concurrence
They return and say they delivered the Bills
The Honble Francis Jenkins Esqr from the Council enters
the House and delivers Mr Speaker the Peto of George Harris
preferred on Saturday last with new Indorsmt of the Council
as followeth.

By the Council in Assembly April 8th 1706

The Widow Ridgely and her Father Capt John Dorsey liv-
ing but in the two next Counties so that in Eight and forty
Hours they may well appear to the Summons we think it very
hard to delay the Petitioner to any other Assembly.
W Bladen Cl. Council.

Which being read the House concurs therewith and ordered
the Petitioner give Notice to the Persons concerned that they
attend this House pr Thursday next in the Morning by ten
o'Clock to make their Objections against passing such a Bill
if to them it shall seem meet.
Upon a Motion made in the House by a Member of the
House praying Liberty to bring in a Bill on Behalf of the In-
habitants of Charles County to unite New Port Hundred
to William and Mary Parish in said County.
It's resolved that a Bill be prepared and brought in for that
Purpose so that the Bounds be ascertained.
The House adjourns till two O'Clock Afternoon

Post Meridiem. The House met, were called over, & pres-
ent as in the Morning
Moved that whereas Mr Henry Coursey a Member for
Talbot County is absent and no Excuse made ; Ordered that
he have further Time till to Morrow in the Evening and then
if no Appearance this House will order he be sent for.
The Committee of Aggrievances enter the House and
report that upon Application of a Gentleman of Cecil County
it's represented as an Aggrievance that the whole County is
now in one entire Parish whereby the Inhabitants of the North
Side of Elk River and Susquehannah River cannot possibly
travel to Church by Reason of the Breadth of Elk River and

p. 63

for that the said Inhabitants are deprived from receiving any
Benefit of the forty p poll by them paid it is prayed that Part

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 578   View pdf image (33K)
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