By the Govr & Councill in Assembly
Aprill 17th, 1706
Severall Complaints being made to this board that Persons
Sent to the Indians at the head of the bay have been so
slightly rewarded for their Extraordinary Services that it will
be of ill Consequence & to the Discouragement of others on
the like Occasions Wee Desire the house of Delegates will
seriously reflect thereon and particularly how Mr John Hall &
a certain Indian by him employed have been gratifyd
Signed p Ordr W Bladen Cl Concil.
Came Mr Anthony Smith & made Oath that he Saw Col
Holland the only Surviving Witness to Thomas Knightons
Will prove the Same before Mr Henry Bonner Deputy Comry
of Ann A" County at his the sd Antho. Smiths house Col
Holland being present Says he believes he did so.