The Upper House. 523
there is no Occasion to convince reasonable thinking Men
of it's absolute Necessity ; nor can I believe any body will
obstruct this noble generous Designe but a few Gentlemen
at home who have assiduously endeavoured by a certaine
Engrossmt to make the Produce of your Land & Industrye a
sure Monopolie to themselves ; whereby You can never let
the middle and lower Sorte of People reap any thing from a
very hard labour and the Sweate of their Browes but a per-
petuall Indigencye.
Gentn I am obliged in Justice and good Nature to lay
before you the growing evill of Protested Bills, and with
greate Friendship to recomend it to your best Considerations,
how that fatal Grievance may be removed.
I am obliged to take Notice You make Use of a very unpar-
liamentary Practice which is to Postpone Matters to the last
Eight or tenn Hours of yor rising and then things of very
greate Consequence are naturally hurryed up or so procrasti-
nated that at our next meeting they are forgott, Witness many
of her Maj:tys Royal Instructions layd before you Gentn at your
first Sitting downe. And though I heartily desired Your Ad-
vice and Assistance in a Strict enquiry what became of the
Arms & Amunition of the Province in Tyme of a forreigne
Warr and Intestine Disturbances when We last mett which
Seeme to threaten Us still, You did not then thinke it proper to
enquire into a matter So very necessary for your owne Safety
and Defence.
Give me leave Gentn to desire You will now applye your-
selves heartily to the business before You, that so pernitious
a thing to all wise Councills may not be brought to a Custome
by You Gentn Delegates And then I can never doubt but by
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calme Serious Debates the many greate things under your
present Care will be in a few days ripened into good whole-
some Laws fit for the Royal Sanction.
And as every Body knows this Parte of America was dis-
covered by Englishmen in the Reigne of the famous renowned
Queen Elizabeth ; I would have Us of this Province allways
remember noe Prince since (in soe short a tyme) ever applyed
their Royall thoughts and Care more emphatically for your
Wellfare P'servation and Happiness than our present Glorious
Queen Anne.
I have had an Acco' from the head of the Bay, the Indians
intended Some Motions this Spring and with the advice of
her Matys Honble Councill have taken proper Measures about
it for the present; but hope Gentn you will enquire particu-
larly into the truth of this Affaire ; For on our last Alarms,
the Severall psons I sent on long and hazardous Journeys to
bring me a Right Intelligence of their Designe, weer so nar-
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