522 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-19, 1706.
chargeable Warr ever since her Accession to the Throne her
Princely generous Endeavours have not been confined to Brit-
taine alone ; but an unwearied tenderness is diffused over all
p. 3
her Matys Colonyes & Plantations abfoade and more especially
to Us and our Neighbouring Planters ; Witness her Matys
tymely Interposition with the Zarr of Muscovy; for if that
Grant or Project had not been stopped, You might in good
Measure have bid adieu to the tobo Trade in America ; whilst
the divided Interests and Sentiments of the Merchts at home,
in relation to the Setting up and curing the Circasian Tobaccoes,
had speedily crown'd our Ruine.
Next her Matys opening a Trade with Spaine, which has
allready had so very good Success many Spanish Vessells
have been cleared in London, that brought their Wooll and
Comoditys thither, returning thence with our English Manu-
factures. This Trade mnst prove a certain Advantage to all
our Plantations by the Vicinity & Comerce of the Spanish
West Indies; for I would have You consider tis not the true
Spaniard but a Spanish French King is our Enemy.
Then her Princely Care in passing an Act to encourage the
Transportation of Naval Stores from her Colonyes, that all
her Subjects abroade may truly reape the Benefitt of their
p. 4
Industrye & Labour equall with those soe imediately under
the gracious Influencies of her Royall View and Patronage ;
For though Masts, Tarr & Pitch are not to be had here in
Such Abundance, as our Countrymen & Neighbours can fur-
nish ; Wee may have as good Flax & Hempe as any in the
World, without any Diminution to our Tobacco Manufacture :
And I hope You will be throughly Sencible This generous
Indulgence to Us & all our fellow Subjects in America, will
certainly occasion the Importations of all necessarys from
England (oftner & cheaper than at present) the want of which
& their extravagant dearness is still very burthensome &
ruinous to the indigent People of this Countrye
These truly Royall endearing Benefactions must ever Sincke
deepe in the Memorys of all loyal good Subjects : Never let
it be sayd that Maryland was ungratefull to so good &
gracious a Sovereigne, Who do's with so much Wisdome
Goodness & Steady Application, endeavour the Prosperity of
England and all it's Dependencys
Mr Speaker. Her Maty earnestly recofnends the Erecting
p. 5
Towns and Ports which must certainly render You considera-
ble in a very Shorte tyme. I presume as to the Number and
their Scituation Her Matys will be advised by You Gentlemen ;
Who best know the proper Places for Trade & Busieness ; and
as the Advantages naturally proceeding from Such Im-
provemts are many ; and for your owne peculiar good, I hope