rowly rewarded, It must be on a very Emergent Occasion I'le
trouble any Gentn againe if I may not reasonably be thought
a proper Judge w' such a publiq Service deserves. I have
neither Lands nor Houses to loose here on any Suddaine
fatall Insult, as You Gentlemen Freeholders have ; yet my
Reputation, which is dearer to me than any thing in this
World lyes at Stake. But with all the Cheerfull Willingness
imaginable, will expose my life on a true handsome Occasion
for the Defence Service and Peace of this Countrye.
Gentn I have Severall other materiall things to offer to
your Consideration, but shall prsume to do it by way of Mes-
After which Mr Speaker and the Members of the House of
Delegates took Leave and repair'd to their House.
The Boarde adjourn'd untill nine of the Clock to morrow
Wednesday Aprill the 3d 1706
The Councill in Assembly Sate prsent as Yesterday.
Then was read Colonel Nathanl Blakiston Agent for this
Province his Lres of the 2Oth of Aprill & 8th of September
1705 to his Exncy the Governor& Councill & Genll Assemblye