500 Assembly Proceedings, May 15-25, 1705.
Lib. 41.
to advertise you thereof and that we do not think it advisable
the said Herman's Evidence now fortifyed with many concur-
rent Testimonies should be rendered invalid
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl. Council.
Bill apportioning of the publick Levy, Read the first &
second Time & will pass
Mr John Gresham, Sheriff of Ann Arundel County accord-
ing to Order of the House attended & being called in Mr
Speaker was pleased to acquaint him that the House was
informed thro' his Neglect there were several Criminal Pris-
oners, an Indian Enemy & a white Criminal Servant made
their Escape out of Prison by which it appeared to the House
the Province was much damnified. Upon which Mr Gresham
offered some Matters in his Defence Ordered he withdraw
Thereupon the House took it into Consideration and
debated the same and having so done the said Gresham was
commanded again to appear and Mr Speaker was then pleased
to ask him some Questions relating to the said Escape &
acquainted him it was an Offence of a high Nature Upon that
Mr Gresham could give no satisfactory Excuse to the House.
Then he was asked what he demanded from the Public for the
Prisoners Imprisonment Fees ; who answered he knew not
certainly but could soon produce his Account. Afterwards it
was proposed to him by Mr Speaker whether he would release
the Imprisonment Fees of Benjamin Celey & the other two
that made their Escape. To which he readily consented and
did declare he was very willing to discharge the same and in
the House did release all their Imprisonment Fees. Where-
upon the House again took the Matters into Consideration
and upon the said Gresham's Submission this House do acquit
& discharge the said John Gresham from further Damages
that may arise against him for the Escape aforesaid. Where-
upon Mr Gresham returned his most humble & hearty Thanks
to the House for their Favours & so withdrew.
The Petition of James Smallwood praying an Allowance for
an Horse spoiled going up to the Indian Fort being read is
allowed by Majority of Votes one thousand Pounds of Tobacco.
Ordered the Committee take Notice thereof.
The following brought into the House this Day was ordered
to be read & entered as followeth
Die Mercurij 23d May 1705 By the Council in Assembly.
Upon reading the Debates of your House upon the Report
of the Conferrence, yesterday, As to that Part relating to