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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 481   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 481

peaceable Possession of the one thousand Acres of Land
according to their Petition Signed p Order
W Bladen Cl. Council.

Which being here read Ordered it be thus indorsed viz.

By the House of Delegates May the 18th 1705

Upon reading the above Petition the House resolves that a
Warrant be sent to the Queen's Surveyor of Somerset County
to lay out one thousand Acres of Land for the Petitioners
where they are now Settled and return Cert, of the Bounds
thereof to this House that it may be settled upon the Peti-
tioners &ta if his Excellency & Council think fit to concur
therewith Signed p Order W Taylard Cl. Ho. Del.

Sent up to the Council by Major John Taylor & Mr John
Waters. They return & say they delivered the same.
The Answer to his Excellency's Speech being brought into
the House was read & approved of and ordered to be
entered Viz.

By the House of Delegates May the 18th 1705.

Lib. 41.

May it Please your Excellency,
We her Majesty's dutiful & loyal Subjects the Representa-
tives of the several Counties of her Majesty's Province of
Maryland now convened in a general Assembly do give y'
Ex'cy our hearty Thanks for your gracious Speech made to
us at the Opening of this Sessions ; and do assure your
Excellency, that we are now, and shall be at all Times ready
to the utmost of our Abilities to join with your Ex'cy & the
Honble Council in whatsoever shall be reasonably proposed to
prevent Rebellions & Disturbances and to settle & establish
Peace & Tranquility which so much concerns her Majesty's
Honour & our own Good & Welfare. And in Order there-
unto we are resolved to enquire into the Particulars of the
Magazine how much Powder and other Materials has been
provided for the publick Use & to whom it has been deliv-
ered & how & what is become of it.
Sr We have already had abundant Assurance of your Ex-
cellency's great Justice & Candour towards us, but we beg
Leave to tell you that you've created in us new Motives to
thank you for the Promise you've made to us. What is
seperated for the publick Use shall not be disposed of to any


p. 26

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 481   View pdf image (33K)
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