454 Assembly Proceedings, May 15-25, 1705.
lett out the said Indian Comitted on Suspition of a Barbarous
Murther and Dennis Maccartee comitted for Burglary, Advise
that she be comitted to her Majtys Goale in this Town & Port
of Annapolis untill she shall be thence Deliver'd by due Course
of Law.
Whereupon a mittimus being drawne she was for the
Causes afd Comitted to the Goale
The Board Adjourns for an hour
Post Meridiem Council Sate prsent as before
Mr George Vallentine being sent for Received his Exncys
Orders that he should not Suffer any Persons to Converse
wth or any Messages to be sent to M" Rachel Freeborne this
Day Comitted for Treason & Treasonable practices unless
some of her Matys honble Councill be present and Cautiond to
see the said Order put in Execution as he will Answer the
Contrary at his perrill.
The following Message sent to the house by Mr Tench Col
Hamond & Mr Coursey
By the Councill in Assembly May 21st 1705
His Exncy proposes to the board that whereas upon the late
disturbances he had been obliged to Imploy many psons to
their Great detriment upon all Emergences he having prom-
ised them Reasonable and hon:ble Satisfaction he finds many
of those Persons much Dissatisfyed to be left so precariously
to the Cofnittee of Accounts who it is Alledged very often
do not allow them any wise proportionable to their Respec-
tive Services How these Persons may be Gratified according
to their Service & Deserts that for the future such persons
may not be discouraged chearfully to serve her Maty and the
The Board do Resolve that the house of Delegates be
made sincible thereof And that his Exncy be desired by this
Assembly that he will be pleased on such Occasion to direct
and Issue his Orders to the publick Treasurers to pay to Such
persons already or hereafter to be employed on those Occa-
sions or the like What he shall Reasonably think they
Deserves the Councill at their next Meeting approving of the
Disposall of such moneys so Issued and paid.
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Council
Humphery Hernaman being sent for Came & being de-
manded to declare the truth of his Knowledge agt Mrs Rachell