The Upper House. 449
By the house of Dell May 18th 1705
Upon Reading the above petition the house Resolves that
a warrant be sent to the Queens Surveyor of Somersett
County to Lay out one Thousand Acres of Land for the
pettrs where they are now Settled and Returne a Certificate
of the bounds thereof to this house that it may be Settled
upon the petirs &c if his Exncy and Coun" think fitt to Concurr
there with Signed p Order W Taylard Cl ho. Dell
Ordered that the Sherriff of Ann Arundell County take
into his Custody Rachell the Wife of Thomas Freeborne so
that he have her before his Exncy & this board at tenn of the
Clock on Monday next to answer to such things as on her
Matys behalf Shall be Objected agt her and to be dealt with
According to Law.
The Account of the publiq Armes and Ammunition being
pused by this board was sent to the house with the following
Message by Coll. Hamond & Col. Lloyd.
Die Veneris 18o May
By his Exncy the Governour and Councill in Assembly.
The Account of the publiq armes & Afnunition now in the
Province is herewith sent you for your Inspection & prusal
how it becomes so scanty you will be Informed Upon Inquiry
for the publique Satisfaction.
Signed p ordr W Bladen Cl. Counll
The Board adjourns till to morrow morning
Die Saturni 19o May 1705
The Councill in Assembly Sate
Prsent as Yesterday with the addition of Mr Cheseldyn
It being Considered that it is highly Necessary Some pson
should lye in or Close to the Goale in this Towne to prevent
the Prisoners Breaking the same it is proposed whether it
may not be Convenient to have a Little Lodge be Added to
one of the doors of the Prison for the Goaler to lye in the
which the board do well Approve of and sent the following
Message to the house of Dellegates